Friday, October 23, 2009

The book of life...

It is something that we write everyday. Word by word and page by page the chapters of the book called life are filled up. But unlike the author of the book, we most of the times don’t have control on the next word that’s printed or the next sentence that’s drafted. Sometimes, the sentence construction just turns out to be perfect but there are times you’d rather wish to erase what is already inked. But every uncertainty is worth living and every mistake adds to the experience of life. The beauty of penning down this book down lies in imperfectness and unpredictability. Each crossroad of life may be the turning point of the plot of the book but it is still worth standing there and wondering about the direction… it is still worth all of it... trust me it is…

1 comment:

  1. I trust yu totally... :D
    sometimes, you don't get a chance to erase ur mistake...
    and later you realise that the mistake was apt for that article or piece :)
